battlefield 3
battlefield 3 is the est fps of 2011 . the game is really complex and suspenseful story of adrenalin you will carry the war between russia america . prepare for full scale war with battlefield 3 , the third major evolution of the long running online battle franchise . using the power of frostbite 2 game
engine technology , battlefield 3 delivers superior visual quality , a grand sense of scale , massive destruction ,dynamic audio and incredibly lifelike character animations . as bullets whiz by , walls crumble , and explosions throw you tothe ground , the battlefield 3 feels more alive and interactive
than ever before .
system requirements
os: windows 7 64-bit
processor: quad -core CPU
ram: 4 GB
hard drive: 20GB
video card : directx 11 compatible with 1024 mb ram (nvidia geforce gtx 560 or ati radeon 6950)
sound card: directx compatible
keyboard and mouse
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link updated January 2013